Species Information:
Length: 44-49mm
Flight Period: May to August (less abundantly also in late April, September and October)
Females and immatures: pale, yellowish brown with tho bold lines running along the length of the abdomen. The wings have a yellow costa and a very dark brown or black pterostigma.
Male: develops a blue pruinescence on the abdomen darkening to the rear with with S8-10 becoming black. Its eyes are very dark green. They fly swift and low, skimming the water surface. Females retain their colour and markings though they become quite greyish brown with age.
Dr. Chris Thomas photographed and timed the hatching sequence of a female Black-tailed Skimmer and has placed it on the web as part of a longer photo tour of the BBC Springwatch East Day at Marston Vale, June 2006.
This dragonfly is found at any open water with bare patches along the shore where the patrolling males frequently rest in the sun.
Status & Distribution:
Fairly common. Southern England, parts of Wales and Ireland. Increasing its range northwards.
Similar Species:
Could be confused with Keeled Skimmer or Scarce Chaser.