Who am I?
My name is Joshua Chamberlain and I'm the person who built and maintains this website. I created this website since I have an interest in web development and one of my units for my college course was to create a website, while I haven't been coding for long I knew that I immediately wanted to create a website that helped people learn about dragonflies since I have always had an interest in dragonflies.!! This website is only for educational/ academic purposes. I'm not the owner of the information I have just used it to help complete my academic project. !!
What was the goal of this website?
The goal of this website was to make an easy to use and aesthetically pleasing website to browse/ learn about dragonflies. While I did find other websites that had tons of info regarding dragonflies such as the British Dragonfly Society (new design is much better) I found that the actual aesthetics of their website was lacking so I wanted to create a website that showed all that info in a more aesthetically pleasing manner.Where was all the information sourced?
All the information used for the website was sourced from the British Dragonfly Society and it's thanks to their vast collection of information that I was able to make this website factually correct. The British Dragonfly Society (BDS) was a massive help to me and not only helped educate me on the fascinating creatures known as dragonflies/ damselflies but also helped make sure this websites information was correct, if BDS see this message I would just like to say thanks for all the research they have conducted to get all the necessary info.All images used on the species page and the individual pages have their rightful photographer/ owner either in the alt tag of the websites code or I have added their name to the image like in the slides so they get full credit for their beautiful photographs. The home page images are all copyright free (used the "labelled for reuse" & "labelled for reuse with modification" tools in Google images)
Where was all the images sourced?
All images used on the species page and the individual pages have their rightful photographer/ owner either in the alt tag of the websites code or I have added their name to the image like in the slides so they get full credit for their beautiful photographs (images labelled for reuse). The home page images are all copyright free also (used the "labelled for reuse" & "labelled for reuse with modification" tools in Google images). If you believe there is a photo/ photos that do have copyright them please contact us.Where Can I be found?
The following links bellow link to my GitHub page, CodePen account (new account so not much there) and any other code based websites you can find me on.If you want to contact me directly then my contact info can be found here.